Faculty Voices: Walden Talks Writing
The Faculty Voices: Walden Talks Writing project is a collaboration between the Writing Center and Walden faculty members. Our aim is to provide students Walden faculty perspectives on writing, capturing and sharing the writing insights and expertise Walden faculty have with students. The Faculty Voices videos are integrated throughout our website and collected on this page. We hope you will find the insights and perspectives from these faculty helpful as you think about your own writing.
Faculty Introductions
Meet our faculty contributors to the Faculty Voices project.
Academic Integrity
Learn what academic integrity is and why it is important.
Causes and Prevention of Plagiarism
What can cause and can prevent plagiarism? Learn the answers from our faculty contributors.
Academic Integrity & Students’ Professional Lives
How does academic integrity relate to students’ professional lives? Learn the answers from our faculty contributors.
Writing Process
Writing for Social Change
Give Your Input
We invite you to submit ideas for topics you'd like to hear faculty talk about in future interviews.